Heirloom 3-Legged Stool Intensive with Madison Geer on February 19, 26, & March 5

Wednesday, February 19 from 9am-4pm
Wednesday, February 26 from 9am-4pm
Wednesday, March 5 from 9am-4pm


$285 for members, $315/nonmembers
$100 materials fee to be paid to the instructor at the time of the workshop.

Please see complete workshop description below.


Online registration ends on February 12.  Please call the office for late registrations.




This is a 3-session intensive, meeting from 9am-4pm on February 19, 26, and March 5.


Students will select from a variety of rough sawn lumber and use bandsaws, lathes, routers, and hand tools to shape seats and legs into desired shapes. By the end of the 3-session class, students will have gained a basic understanding of woodworking machinery and take home a uniquely designed 18-inch heirloom quality stool to pass down generations.


Basic woodturning and woodworking experience is required.


Materials fee: $100

Minimum age – 18