Basic Welding 1 4-Week Class with Payne Rowland, Wednesdays, 5 – 8 pm

Wednesdays, April 9, 16, 23, 30    5 – 8pm each day

$240 members / $270 nonmembers

$25 materials fee payable to the instructor at the time of the workshop

Click Here to Register.


4 weeks: April 9, 16, 23, 30

Workshop includes basic welding instruction, Mig machine set up, oxygen & acetylene cutting, and practice welding on a flat steel plate.  Proper handling of welding equipment “stinger” will also be covered.    The goal is to make proper welds without porosity undercut or wire inclusion.


Students should bring welding hood, safety glasses, welding gloves, and hearing protection (if desired). Students should wear long-sleeved flame-retardant shirt, long pants (preferably jeans) and safety shoes.


Materials fee – $25 payable to the instructor at the time of the workshop


Minimum age: 18