Woodburning Cutting Boards workshop with Cynthia Carden on April 12 & 13

April 12 & 13                   10am – 4pm each day

Members    $225             Non-members  $255


Materials fee – $15 payable to the instructor at the time of the workshop

Online registration closes on March 28, 2025.  Please call the office for late registrations.




Students will be introduced to pyrography by the instructor through exercises using provided pyrography machines, pens and practice boards. Students will learn technique and use of three pyro pens, a smooth writing tip, shader and small knife, selected by the instructor. The Razertip machines are user friendly and of high quality. Students will then pencil in designs on their Maple Cutting boards. The cutting boards are approx 7” x 10” and have been hand sanded to a very fine grit for best results with woodburning. Students may choose their own designs or use clip art or provided stencils. After the designs are implemented, the class will then begin to burn in their designs. We will finish our boards with butcher block oil.